(English follows Japanese)

Shorinはここ数年は日本に幽閉されております。  海外も大好きなのですが、機会に恵まれず。。。(涙) 


かの有名な 「築地本願寺」 浄土真宗本願寺派の別院で、1934、伊藤忠太の設計によるものです。 伊藤忠太は、京都東山の祇園閣を設計したことでも有名な建築士であります。


Though I love oversea trip for sightseeing, sadly I have not had a chance for a few years and have been being confined in Japan.  

There is a beautiful temple which has some exotic atmosphere and I enjoy walking around it instead of going abroad. :)
The Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple is a branch temple of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha denomination, of which the Mother Temple, or Honzan, located in Kyoto. Built in 1934, designed by ITO CHUUYA. Ito CHUUYA is also famous as designer of the GION-KAKU, in KYOTO HIGASHIYAMA.

It is always so soothing to see this and is breathtakingly beautiful on early evening of a summer day.