書美院展 2012 出品作品です。 

(English follows Japanese)


「 てふてふが一匹韃靼海峡を渡っていった 」

 昭和の詩人、安西冬衛 の 「春」 というタイトルの現代詩です。


韃靼(だったん)海峡とは、間宮(まみや)海峡/ タタール海峡とも呼ばれ、樺太とロシア/ハバロフスク地方との間にある海峡のことで、この詩では、はるかロシアと日本を隔てるその海を、一羽の蝶が、飛んで渡ろうと行ってしまった、という劇的な状況が、もしかするとその危うさも認識に至らないほど、軽々と、しかし明確に、そして自由に、描写されています。 




Late last month I submitted my work together to the exhibition of the calligraphy class I belong to.

“A butterfly flew across the Dattan Strait.”
It is a modern poem titled “Spring” written by Fuyue Anzai, a poet of Showa period.

I like this short poem very much since before and was thinking to write it in calligraphy someday when I had an opportunity, and I made it this time for this exhibition which takes place every spring.

The Dattan Strait (also called the Mamiya Strait or the Tartar Strait) is a strait between Khabarovsk of Russia and Sakhalin. The dramatic scene that a butterfly has flown away across the ocean separating far away Russia and Japan is depicted so lightly yet clearly and freely that its danger may not be even recognized.

It has been decided that this piece of work, which had been written with the freshness of this poem in my mind, as well as the dependability of having someone to care for in the one butterfly facing a big challenge, and which an illustration was inserted to, would be given to a girl who has just become the 6th grade of elementary school this spring.

I would like to express my best gratitude to the teacher and senior calligraphers who gave guidance and encouragements as well as those who came to see the works to the venue.
