桜、まだありマス! We still have SAKURA!

(English follows Japanese)


高校時代の友人 K氏が数日前に送ってくれた、兵庫県猪名川町の八重桜です。  ありがとうっ! 


優しく揺れるしだれ桜もよいけれど、これは見ていて、文句なし気分があがりますね♪ ばんざーい! ( ^ 0 ^ ) /    


We still have SAKURA to enjoy!

A few days ago my highschool friend, Ms.K sent this picture, YAE ZAKURA in INAGAWA-CHO, Hyogo. Thanks so much!

When we all feel a bit sorry after OHNANAMI with SOMEIYOSHINO finishes, this comes a bit late as if it encourages people, and it blooms with all the branches going up.

I like SHIDARE ZAKURA that swings kindly, but this is also great to see this since this sure makes me feel " GOING UP". Wheepee! :)