梅 - Japanese plum

(English follows Japanese)

浜離宮梅の花です。 (* 桜ではありません。(笑)) 


3月半ばまで見ごろが続きそうとのことです。 梅が咲きそろったら、もうすぐ春です! 

This is Japanese plum flower (* Not Cherry blossom :)) in HAMA RIKYU GARDEN.

Generally plum blossoms are at their best at this time of the year, but since the climate has been colder than an average year in this February, plum tree blooming is getting late.

Found an "impatient" tree with flowers that probably was not able to wait.  :)

I hear that the plum trees will be in bloom until mid March this year. When the plum trees all blooms, then sping is coming soon!