お風呂タイム♡: Bath time ♡ 

うれしいお知らせです! けがからちょうどひと月、ついに、"湯船にしっかり浸かっていいよ"  と、お許しを頂きました。 ああ、夢のようです!(^^)/



これで今日は、今年初めての、"ゆっくり" お風呂タイムです♡♡ (人´∀`).☆.。.:*・゚

Some good news!

I have finally got a greenlight to soak in a bathtub. It is like a dream! :)  It has been just one month since I got injury, and have had to avoid soaking into bathtub and I only took shower.  Now I finally can re-start enjoying my bath time.

The picture is very nice and soft, white, brand new towels which I got for today, and body beauty products that was Christmas present from England.

With these lovely things, I am going to enjoy my very first bothtub soaking this year today. :)