お振袖 - Furisode

(English follows Japanese)

3月 - 暦の上では春というのに、寒くて曇りの日が続きました。 そんな日に街を歩いていて、目に飛び込んできた、真っ青な地色に松と菊花の、お振袖のディスプレイです。 



Although it is Spring already according to the calendar we had cold and cloudy weeks in March this year. I was walking around the town on such day and found something eye-grabbing. The photo is FURISODE, the most formal grade of (and the most expensive) KIMONO for young ladies. This looked so gorgeous with vivid blue ground colour with chrysanth flower and pine tree print on it.

It looks to me KIMONO in Tokyo area has more exhilarating and sophisticated taste. Suppose it is trace of EDO culture? It is even so for FURISODE. This truly is brilliant and radiant.